• Savin kingdom can be found in the modern city of Siliguri, comfortably situated at the foothills of Himalayas and the banks of Mahananda river.
  • The park is located behind Baba Lokenath Temple, off Hill Cart road near Darjeeling mode
  • To find us in Siliguri you may take auto rickshaws from Sevoke Mode going to Sukna
  • From Siliguri Central Bus stop you may take auto rickshaw or any bus going to Darjeeling
  • From Siliguri railway station, just use any auto rickshaw going to Sukna
  • From New Jailpaguri railway station utilize any auto rickshaw towards Sukna or any Bus on the way to Darjeeling
  • From Bagdogra airport you can use auto rickshaw or Taxi. Or simply ask any friendly taxi driver to take you to Savin Kingdom.

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